“In wildness is the preservation of the world.”…Thoreau
Windy Ridge Wildlife Refuge, Inc.
Windy Ridge Wildlife Refuge, Inc. is a non-profit, 135 acre multihabitat, wildlife rehabilitation facility. We are located in Southwestern Pennsylvania on Chestnut Ridge in the Laurel Highlands. Our purpose is to provide care, rehabilitation and release of orphaned, ill and injured wildlife.
We are not paid or funded to provide this service. YOUR charitable donations make this quality animal care possible
You can raise money for Windy Ridge Wildlife Refuge, Inc. (Acme, PA) just by surfing the net. Everytime you search the Web at www.Goodsearch.com , a penny goes to the non-profit of your choice. Please make Windy Ridge Wildlife Refuge, Inc. (Acme, PA) your choice and ask your caring friends to do the same.
- Member of the National Wildlife Rehabilitators Association
- Member of the International Wildlife Rehabilitation Council
What We Do…
My name is Gretchen Weslager. I am a State and Federally Licensed all species wildlife rehabilitator with a BS, MS, accredited Animal Science Program and 18 years of rehabilitation experience. I am a member of:
- The International Wildlife Rehabilitation Council
- Zoo Thoiry
- The National Wildlife Rehabilitators Association
- The Pennsylvania Association of Wildlife Rehabilitators
Our facility rehabilitates and releases native Mammals,
Passerines, and Raptors. We are an approved Rabies Vector Species facility and Threatened/Endangered Species Certified.
Windy Ridge Wildlife Refuge, Inc. is able to provide food, shelter, and medical care to needy wildlife with donations from caring people like you. We are non-funded, non-profit, tax exempt facility. All donations go directly to the care of wildlife and are tax deductible. Click here to find out how you can help.
We began in 1991 when we devoted our property to the rehabilitation and release of wildlife.
We have educational programs available to groups and organizations within our service area. Please contact us directly for information and scheduling.
Sponsor: How To Help…
We are a nonprofit, non-funded facility. Our existence depends entirely
on donations from caring individuals. ALL DONATIONS (money or supplies) are tax-deductible and go directly to native wildlife care.
- Cash Donations
- Gift Certificates from major grocery chain stores (Wal-Mart, K-Mart, Giant Eagle, etc.)
- Gift Certificates from major building supply stores (Home Depot, Lowe’s, 84 Lumber, etc.)
- Gift Certificates from major pet supply stores (Petsmart, etc.)
- Gift Certificates from major office supply stores (Staples, Office Max, Office Depot, etc.)
- Van or Station Wagon - front wheel or 4-wheel drive (Must be in good working order - looks don’t matter!)
“ALL donations/contributions are tax deductible to the giver.”
If you would like to “Sponsor A Species”, please print, complete, and mail
the following form, along with your check or money order to
Windy Ridge Wildlife Refuge, Inc.
127 Windy Ridge Road
Acme, PA 15610
You will receive a certificate of sponsorship, with picture, and natural
history facts about the species you have chosen to help. (These are great
gifts for birthdays and holidays.)
I/We would like to sponsor:
- Songbird(Passerine) $20
- Raptor(Owl, Hawk, etc.) $50
- Frog/Toad/Turtle/Snake $20
- Cottontail Rabbit $20
- Squirrel $30
- Fox $60
- Opossum $35
- Fawn $100
- Raccoon $50
- Skunk $40
- Woodchuck $30
If you would like to make a charitable donation of MONEY, SUPPLIES, or VOLUNTEER your TIME, PLEASE
Refuge Photo Album

Tips: Do’s and Don’ts
- DO-Phone the rehabilitator at 724-455-7176 or fax at 724-455-7161 IMMEDIATELY!
- DO-Keep wild creatures in a warm, quiet place.
- DO-Use a heating pad on “low” setting with several layers of toweling between the pad and baby mammal to help maintain good body temperature.
- DO-Wear gloves and handle wildlife as little as possible.
- DO-Keep children and animals away from juvenile birds on the ground. Watch for parent birds to feed the youngster. It will fly in a few days. If no parent bird appears within 4 hours-call our refuge.
- DO-Put covers on chimneys. Birds and mammals become trapped in them and die.
- DO-Use environmentally friendly gardening and lawn care techniques.
- DO-return nestling birds to their nest. If nest has been destroyed, make a replacement that will NOT retain water. Hang in close proximity to original nest.
- DO-Contact us if the young of any species has sustained an injury or you know (have seen the deceased) the mother is dead.
- DO-Take a turtle across the road it is attempting to cross but only in the direction it is headed.
DON’T: …
- DON’T-Attempt to feed or water any wild species. You may do far more harm than good.
- DON’T-Forget an animal can have rabies and not show any signs of the disease.
- DON’T-Attempt to handle an injured adult. Pain and fear can cause the creature to inflict serious injury to you.
- DON’T-Assume young rabbits or deer fawns are orphaned when you see them alone. Their mothers often leave them during the day.
- DON’T-Ever try to keep a wild animal as a pet. They will NOT adjust to life in captivity and will become extremely aggressive with maturity. Keeping wildlife is illegal under state and federal laws…the penalties for breaking these laws are severe.
- DON’T-Attempt to “rescue” a young rabbit. They are independent when they are approximately 4 inches in length and no longer need a mother.
- DON’T-Touch a young squirrel that has fallen from it’s nest. The mother is able to retrieve her baby.
- DON’T-Attempt to select a “good, safe place” for a turtle. They are territorial and will travel to their home range regardless of your intentions.
Contact Information:
Gretchen and Gary Weslager
Windy Ridge Wildlife Refuge, Inc.
127 Windy Ridge Road
Acme, Pa. 15610
Phone: 724-455-7176
Fax: 724-455-7161
E-Mail - info@wrwr.org
Phone Hours:
8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Eastern Time
“Please remember, we are an all volunteer, non-profit organization. We do our best to answer all phone calls promptly. If you are unable to reach us, please try again.”
We are located in Western Pennsylvania, U.S.A.